Coffeefrom People: Emergency

For our Coffeefrom People format, companies, projects and people talk with us through direct testimonies of sustainability and circular visions.
Today we talk about Emergency, an independent and neutral association, founded in 1994 to offer free and high quality medical-surgical treatment to the victims of war, anti-personnel mines and poverty. Together, we worked to customize the Coffeefrom sets for their 11 Italian stores.
Here is the story of Pierluigi Cipretti, Commercial logistics supervisor of the Association.

Why drinking coffee in a Coffeefrom cup?
Because you can be responsible even when drinking a coffee. Using a cup that comes from coffee grounds allows you to reduce waste and give added value to one of the most important moments of the day.
How important sustainability is for Emergency?
In all the countries in which we operate, we promote and put into practice a model of sustainable health that focuses on the patient as a human being. We believe in a simple idea, that being cured is a fundamental human right and that, as such, must be recognized to each individual. We realize and manage long-term projects, so that one day our work can become useless. Promoting health sustainability in developing countries means working continuously alongside local communities to build expertise and technical skills, but also to ensure that governments take responsibility for protecting the health of their citizens by allocating the necessary economic resources and promoting environmentally friendly models and technologies.