Our 2021 in a nutshell

2021 has recently ended and we collected in a few shots the most significant moments of our year.

17 Giugno 2021
Coffeefrom launching
After 2 years of research, in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry “Giulio Natta” of the Politecnico di Milano and the coordination of Fondazione Politecnico, finally Coffeefrom material takes shape in the first product: cup and saucer, made of coffee.

Milano Design Week, among the “WastEnders”
During the Milan Design Week, we are part of the exhibition “WastEnders” inside the Materials Village, hosted inside Superstudiopiù in Via Tortona and in collaboration with Materially.

“People&Planet” – Social enterprise open camp
We are among the case studies of the Social Enterprise Open Camp in Venice, the international event that brings together the most significant voices of social entrepreneurship, in an edition dedicated to environmental and social issues.

Among the 241 business of Italian Circular Economy Stories” research
We are among the 241 Italian excellences analyzed for the research “Italian Circular Economy Stories” by Enel and Fondazione Symbola, published in December 2021.