Coffeefrom People: Sollicitudo

For Coffeefrom People format, companies, projects and people talk with us through direct testimonies of sustainability and circular visions.
Today we talk about Sollicitudo Social Cooperative (ONLUS) based in Lodi that since 1989 promotes social rehabilitation and work reintegration thanks to the graphic and typographic activity. Sollicitudo also collaborates with Coffeefrom project through graphic layout, printing of leaflets and brochures but above all of our packaging.
Here is the story of Giuseppe Migliorini, President of the company.

What does social impact mean for you?
Referring to our reality of cooperation, by social impact we mean the ability to affect the reality of our territory both from a social point of view and from the political point of view, working side by side with all the major players both institutional and the world of volunteering. Concrete examples are the participation in the implementation of the Area Plan and the presence at the Tables where active labour policy actions and territorial social policies are decided.
How do you integrate fragile people into your daily activities?
In our business, the integration of fragile people takes place at different stages, seeking first of all to know the person, to evaluate their abilities, attitudes and potential. After this first assessment it is decided in which production department to insert it and which job to entrust it. These steps are followed with sensitivity and care by the operators (department managers). The cooperative activity is seasoned with the necessary attention to people and “things to do” to keep the activities going in a climate as familiar and serene as possible but also in compliance with the rules that help to maintain the right balance. The common lunch encourages relationships and helps to live together, with appropriate relaxation, even some non-working moments.